
Deliver innovative solutions on the road to new mobility.

Create opportunity with new business models built on innovative technology

Run traditional automotive businesses profitably and drive new growth with innovative mobility business models.

  • Research, Development, and Engineering
  • Manufacturing and Outbound Logistics
  • Procurement Excellence
  • Sales and Marketing
  • Aftermarket Service
  • Smart Mobility and Transformation
  • Human Resources
Research, Development, and Engineering
Commerce Management and Personalization
Improve operational planning processes across demand and supply.


Retail Store Management
Managing inventory across locations to fulfill demand from anywhere.


Omnichannel Sales Order Management
Maximize supply chain logistics strategy and comply with regulations with a digital operations networks.


Manufacturing and Outbound Logistics
Environment, Health, and Safety
Improving business productivity through accurate Master Data Management for Fashion data quality and governance.


Industrial Insights
Manage manufacturing performance across plants using standardized & customized KPIs to optimize manufacturing operations and predict quality.


Manufacturing Execution for Industry 4.0
Connect, monitor, and tightly control manufacturing processes and operations by integrating with business and manufacturing systems to enable efficient, high quality production on the shop floor.


Procurement Excellence
Order Promising
Commit orders in real time meeting business rules and enhancing customer satisfaction.


Yard Logistics
The solution can improve a yard’s productivity significantly and thereby increasing customer satisfaction while decreasing cost of operation.


Transportation Management
Reduce costs and improve service with streamlined transportation management processes.


Sales and Marketing
Commerce Personalization
Deliver relevant and impactful commerce experiences with real-time personalization.


Subscription Management
Meet the needs of the outcome focused consumer with an agile billing solution designed to monetize any consumption model.


Omnichannel Commerce Management
Drive your business and win with an industry-leading omnichannel commerce platform.


Aftermarket Service
Asset Performance Management
Connect digitally with a central data foundation across all assets to perfect reality from design to operation.


Service Parts Management
Improve profitability in service parts management by increasing efficiency.


Service Monetization
Grow service revenue by seamlessly offering, planning, and executing services with service monetization.


Omnichannel Customer Service
Deliver an omnichannel customer service experience to exceed customers’ expectations.


Field Service Management
Support field service from every angle with optimized workforce scheduling and mobile apps


Smart Mobility and Transformation
Intelligent Logistics and Transportation
Balance customer service and delivery costs through efficient digital logistics and transportation management.


Monetization of Services
Create value and monetize new business models for autonomous, connected, electric, and shared vehicles.


Mobility as a Service
Embrace change to succeed in the automotive industry of the future through mobility as a service.


Human Resources
Core Human Resources and Service Delivery

Simplify core HR and service delivery processes to deliver efficiency, help ensure global compliance, and improve everyday work life.


Talent Management and Learning
Simplify talent management to engage, develop, and retain the right talent.


Talent Acquisition
Secure the world’s best talent by using embedded engagement and automation throughout the hiring process.


Quote to Cash
Collaborate on customer needs and deliver on those needs at a stated price and time, enabling a perfect buying experience every time.


Optimized Marketing
Gain visibility and control of the entire closed-loop marketing process. Make data-driven decisions to increase the marketing ROI.


Subscription Management
Turn strategy into action with solid sales performance management to boost revenue and exceed quotas.


See how customers succeed with CpaBooks